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    Book Review by Wanda Gail Campbell

    This delightful guide to expanded personal growth and spiritual strength expresses how one woman moved from a fearful and distrusting image of an external, and mostly inaccessible, God to an awareness of knowing that God dwells within all the time. She describes how externally her life reflected deep denial of life and a God-poverty condition of soul as she demonstrated multileveled suffering. When her soul opened up, everything changed.

    In the introduction she sets the stage for personal freedom as she offers the following wisdom:“Remain open. There is something bigger than you going on here.” It quickly becomes evident that once she regained awareness of God within her, she became able to offer her own divine gifts to the world by writing truthfully and translucently about her experiences. The book is developed in several phases of HonoringThe Divine.

    Thanks are written especially for Charles Fillmore founder of Unity Village as she quotes him: “there is but one mind and we are each a manifestation of that Mind, the mind of God, the Divine.” Other New Thought teachers are mentioned as she lays claim to her own “Godliness”.

    The author then proceeds to develop a wondrous method that takes the reader/participant on a 40 day (and night) journey. Each day begins with written definition of a foundational principle that provides the reader clarity of focus for this day. Her personal commentary follows- giving food for thoughtful awareness as one experiences the day. Space is also provided for recording insights from the commentary then moves on to solidify intentions for the day with affirmation and prayer. At the end of the day, readers deepen their own integration of principle by returning to write and reflect upon how the day’s experiences relate back to the theme.

    Yesterday, I began this book a second time, 4 ½ years after the first rendering, This time I’m using a different color of ink to compare my first notes with this new journey. I already see evidence of how this book stimulated my personal growth and continues to perk m y spiritual expansion. This book costs $15 and has already proven itself to be priceless.


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we, us dog loving people have a chance to say.... we don't care who you are or how much influence you have on certain humans we will NOT tolerate your behavior in our society. The pits break my heart. Human loving dogs as they are. To breed them and torture them for fighting sickens me. That boy needs more than a few weeks at BFAS he needs a lobotomy.



Outrage is what I feel for Michael Vick. He should not be suspended but have a lifetime ban from professional football or any other professional sport!

Sorry for your loss.


Hi. I'm sorry for your loss. I cannot fathom how Michael Vick can do that. We started out with one pet and in over a year's time, we ended up with 7 pets (3 cats, 3 dogs and a hamster), thanks to my daughter and husband you cannot turn an animal away. I love them all dearly as if they are our children. I hope Michael Vick gets what he deserves.

Diana Crowe


I am so sorry to hear about Sophie's death. I know how that feels, I lost a dog about 8 years ago due to being run over by a car. These dogs tend to become members of our families, we now have two other dogs, but they'll never be able to take the place of Sammie in our hearts, but we love these two just as much.

I was sorry to hear that one of our NFL players was harming animals and I hope that one day he will realize what he has done is extremely wrong and he will become an animal lover also.

My heart goes out to you and your wife on your loss.



Hugs. But as I'm sure you know, it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.

I'd agree that animal lovers (not just dog lovers) tend to be better people. I think perhaps it's because they have more empathy. After all, nobaody with the least smidgen of empathy could put a dog into a fight.



My heart goes out to you and your family. Once you let a dog in your heart, they're there to stay.

Bless you, your wife, and LuAnn, too, and bless the time you had with Sophie.

Albert Grande


As with all of the other supportive comments, I can only echo what has already been said.
My heart goes out to you and your wife. Stay well.

Now as far as Michael Vick: say it ain't so, Joe. I took all of the allegations with a grain of your telling me the evidence is mounting and mountng...Unbelievable. Sad, sad. How could someone who has so much to offer, so much to give, such a role model.... stoop so low?


My condolences on your loss of Sophie. I have been a dog-person most of my life and can feel your loss because I have also lost many members of my family (and dogs become members of your family just as surely as one of your children).It always hurts to loose any of your pets, and I cannot imagine what kind of individual woul purposefully harm an animal, they are lower than animals in my opinion. Any punishment inflicted would not be enough for such a criminal.


I just read your blog while surfing for Michael Vick stories. I'm sorry about your Sophie. I'm sure she was very much loved and is missed terribly. Sorry.

Also, thanks for linking to Best Friends. I'm a big fan of that organization.

Roger Carr


I am so sorry about your loss of Sophie. You obviously have some great memories that will last. Requesting others to support Best Friends is a great way to celebrate the time you had together. I am going to check it out.

Note: Our family dog is a Bichon named Psycho. Yes, he usually lives up to his name.



David --

As a lover of dogs who lost his best friend a few years back, you have my condolences. Nothing can ever replace the bond you share with them -- nothing. When I saw the Vick thing, I wanted justice. What he did crosses all boundaries to everything I have ever held dear in this world. My only hope is that he is not just the tip of the iceberg...

All my best to you and yours...



I'm so sorry to hear about your Sophie. I have a Sophie myself, a little Scottie, and I know how much my girl means to me, so I can only imagine how you all feel. My thoughts are with you.

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

We are here as caretakers. Children, animals, plants, and the very air we breathe rely on us. It is a huge responsibility. It is up to us, what future we offer to those who are yet unborn. Anyone can abuse.. anyone.


PS Gentle, loving thoughts for your faithful dog Sophie. Thank you for being the kind of family that loved and cared for something more helpless than yourselves.


Michael -

Thanks for the sentiments. And I'm really sorry about Booger. This is the fifth dog I've gone through this with. Never gets easier.


Michael Langille

Thank you for a wonderful story. I understand how you are feeling for the loss of Sophie. I lost my best friend of 15 years 3 days ago. My heart is broken and I miss Booger very much.

As for Vick I was a big fan but after this no more. I hope he gets whats coming to him if he's proven guilty.

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      This Kenyan orphanage is like no other. Founded by the renowned late wildlife warden, David Sheldrick, his wife Daphne continues to operate the organization in Nairobi that specializes in saving wild animals such a elephants and rhinos who have been left for dead from poachers. Elephants and Rhinos are quickly becoming nearly extinct -- and probably will be without our help. For $50 per year, you can adopt an elephant or rhino.
    • Best Friends
      Who brings more peace to you? Probably your pet! Best Friends is an organization that specializes in rescuing animals and giving them long lives in a beautiful sanctuary. We should be so lucky!
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      How can one not love The Carter Center and the work it does. Led by President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn, the Carters have been relentless in promoting Peace around the world.
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