A Dog Lover's Prayer For Michael Vick...
Ninty-year old Sen. Robert Byrd stood on the senate floor shaking
with anger, screaming an outrage felt by many Americans, as he choked
with emotion, "Barbaric...Barbaric...Barbaric..."
Michael Vick, the celebrated Atlanta Falcon Quarterback and
multi-millionaire sports celebrity, had been indicted for being
involved in dogfighting.
Byrd's words about the incident were appropriate..."Barbaric..."
When I told my wife about the episode, she nearly cried. We're both dog
lovers and don't understand how anyone can take pleasure from hurting
these or any other animals.
As the news crews latched on to the outrage, the evidence against Vick grew.
Not only was he "involved", but he was breeding dozens of dogs on his
property using "Rape Stands" - a contraption that immobilizes the
female for mating because the best fighting females are so mean that
they'll bite the males.
Cajun-style dog fight pits were found on his estate in Virginia.
Later that day, an e-mail notice...
dropped in my wife's inbox reminding her that she had sponsored several dogs last year at Best Friends - a beautiful organization in Utah that takes in stray, injured or neglected animals.
She sponsored five more this year, each with a moving story.
Shortly, an e-card arrived in my inbox from Best Friends saying that Charlsa had sponsored "Apple Butter" in my name (because she knows I love apple butter). Click on the image on the left to see "Apple Butter" and while you're there, choose a dog or other animal that you can help.
I smiled, thinking about my two dogs at home: Sophie and LuAnn.
LuAnn had come to us when a friend found the frightened six-week old puppy fending for herself in a church parking lot. She became our lover dog - respectful, sweet and playful...and a glutton for attention.
After six months, reluctantly, we realized this puppy needed a playmate. The neighbor brought six-month old retriever-mixed breed Sophie by the house to play with LuAnn and, of course, they fell in love with each other running, rolling and rumbling in the front yard.
When it was time to leave, she told us that she had six dogs and Sophie was going to the animal shelter because she was more than she could handle.
That's how she came to live with us. We didn't really want another dog. How could we love her as much as LuAnn?
Loving each other and never biting, they played so hard and made so much noise that visitors thought they were fighting. They knew how to have a good time.
Sophie especially loved life. In addition to playing, she loved getting on the furniture - especially when we weren't looking - and terrorizing the cat.
When we returned home down our long drive, she and LuAnn would stop growling and playing when they saw our truck, and Sophie would search desperately for a stick. She always met an open car door by presenting a stick (or stick-like-substance) in big jaws for us, while wagging her big, bushy tail so hard that her whole body swayed with the momentum.
For three years, they were never separated. If they had to spend the night at the vet's for shots, checkups or boarding, they slept in the same dog run because they couldn't be apart.
Slowly, Sophie wagged her way into our hearts...like dogs tend to do.
I've noticed over the years that dog lovers are just better people. It's hard to hold anger and resentment against other humans when you love a dog. There's something about letting the creature inside our protective wall that softens us.
So, when a neighbor called last night to tell us that Sophie was laying on the road, we panicked fearing the worst. We flew to the road and there she lay, just below the crest of hill, all life gone from the sweet girl who loved life so much.
Our hearts exploded with the loss of a beautiful friend who knew nothing but joy.
Back to Michael Vick
The outrage is justified.
Jail time is warranted.
Suspension from the NFL a no-brainer.
But a better sentence would be working at Best Friends supporting and nurturing those animals in need of his love - any love - until he opens his heart to one of those dogs.
When that happens, a day will come when he no longer feels that soft-wet nuzzle on his arm, and his heart will ache with a pain like he's never felt before.
Then, he'll understand the wrongs he's committed.
Go to Best Friends now to learn how you can sponsor a dog (cat, horse or other animal) for just a few cents a month? I would be so happy if you would sponsor a dog in honor of Sophie...
we, us dog loving people have a chance to say.... we don't care who you are or how much influence you have on certain humans we will NOT tolerate your behavior in our society. The pits break my heart. Human loving dogs as they are. To breed them and torture them for fighting sickens me. That boy needs more than a few weeks at BFAS he needs a lobotomy.
Posted by: vicki | August 10, 2007 at 12:43 PM
Outrage is what I feel for Michael Vick. He should not be suspended but have a lifetime ban from professional football or any other professional sport!
Sorry for your loss.
Posted by: Paul | July 24, 2007 at 12:10 AM
Hi. I'm sorry for your loss. I cannot fathom how Michael Vick can do that. We started out with one pet and in over a year's time, we ended up with 7 pets (3 cats, 3 dogs and a hamster), thanks to my daughter and husband you cannot turn an animal away. I love them all dearly as if they are our children. I hope Michael Vick gets what he deserves.
Posted by: Gracie | July 22, 2007 at 10:09 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Sophie's death. I know how that feels, I lost a dog about 8 years ago due to being run over by a car. These dogs tend to become members of our families, we now have two other dogs, but they'll never be able to take the place of Sammie in our hearts, but we love these two just as much.
I was sorry to hear that one of our NFL players was harming animals and I hope that one day he will realize what he has done is extremely wrong and he will become an animal lover also.
My heart goes out to you and your wife on your loss.
Posted by: Diana Crowe | July 22, 2007 at 09:58 PM
Hugs. But as I'm sure you know, it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.
I'd agree that animal lovers (not just dog lovers) tend to be better people. I think perhaps it's because they have more empathy. After all, nobaody with the least smidgen of empathy could put a dog into a fight.
Posted by: Sheila | July 22, 2007 at 06:10 AM
My heart goes out to you and your family. Once you let a dog in your heart, they're there to stay.
Bless you, your wife, and LuAnn, too, and bless the time you had with Sophie.
Posted by: Buz | July 21, 2007 at 08:52 PM
As with all of the other supportive comments, I can only echo what has already been said.
My heart goes out to you and your wife. Stay well.
Now as far as Michael Vick: say it ain't so, Joe. I took all of the allegations with a grain of salt...now your telling me the evidence is mounting and mountng...Unbelievable. Sad, sad. How could someone who has so much to offer, so much to give, such a role model.... stoop so low?
Posted by: Albert Grande | July 21, 2007 at 08:08 PM
My condolences on your loss of Sophie. I have been a dog-person most of my life and can feel your loss because I have also lost many members of my family (and dogs become members of your family just as surely as one of your children).It always hurts to loose any of your pets, and I cannot imagine what kind of individual woul purposefully harm an animal, they are lower than animals in my opinion. Any punishment inflicted would not be enough for such a criminal.
Posted by: Vernon | July 21, 2007 at 07:24 PM
I just read your blog while surfing for Michael Vick stories. I'm sorry about your Sophie. I'm sure she was very much loved and is missed terribly. Sorry.
Also, thanks for linking to Best Friends. I'm a big fan of that organization.
Posted by: susan | July 21, 2007 at 06:06 PM
I am so sorry about your loss of Sophie. You obviously have some great memories that will last. Requesting others to support Best Friends is a great way to celebrate the time you had together. I am going to check it out.
Note: Our family dog is a Bichon named Psycho. Yes, he usually lives up to his name.
Posted by: Roger Carr | July 21, 2007 at 05:30 PM
David --
As a lover of dogs who lost his best friend a few years back, you have my condolences. Nothing can ever replace the bond you share with them -- nothing. When I saw the Vick thing, I wanted justice. What he did crosses all boundaries to everything I have ever held dear in this world. My only hope is that he is not just the tip of the iceberg...
All my best to you and yours...
Posted by: Wayne | July 21, 2007 at 05:29 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your Sophie. I have a Sophie myself, a little Scottie, and I know how much my girl means to me, so I can only imagine how you all feel. My thoughts are with you.
Posted by: Katelyn | July 21, 2007 at 05:09 PM
We are here as caretakers. Children, animals, plants, and the very air we breathe rely on us. It is a huge responsibility. It is up to us, what future we offer to those who are yet unborn. Anyone can abuse.. anyone.
PS Gentle, loving thoughts for your faithful dog Sophie. Thank you for being the kind of family that loved and cared for something more helpless than yourselves.
Posted by: Kathy Ostman-Magnusen | July 21, 2007 at 04:38 PM
Michael -
Thanks for the sentiments. And I'm really sorry about Booger. This is the fifth dog I've gone through this with. Never gets easier.
Posted by: drperdew | July 21, 2007 at 04:08 PM
Thank you for a wonderful story. I understand how you are feeling for the loss of Sophie. I lost my best friend of 15 years 3 days ago. My heart is broken and I miss Booger very much.
As for Vick I was a big fan but after this no more. I hope he gets whats coming to him if he's proven guilty.
Posted by: Michael Langille | July 21, 2007 at 03:48 PM