What If You Couldn't Get a Glass of Clean Water...Ever!
Thirsty? Walk over to your sink, turn on the faucet and imagine nothing
but a stream of dark, gritty, river water running into your best
crystal goblet...
You wouldn't drink that, right?
But millions do...daily. And thousands die from it.
I've been lucky enough to spend substantial time in Ethiopia, Kenya,
Peru, Mexico and China. I know this water problem is real. I've seen it.
While driving to our small village in Ethiopia, I saw families bathing
and filling water buckets in streams where cattle were also wading,
bathing and defecating within a few feet of them.
My family, living in a tiny Ethiopian village, employed a 16-year old
girl to bring two five-gallon jerry cans full of clean water on a donkey from the village
well nearly a half mile away six times a day, every day, 7 days a week
to fill their holding tank. A shower was a very precious - and fast -
Clean water - or the lack of it - poses "a major threat to human
health. Diarrhoeal disease alone amounts to an estimated 4.1 % of the
total global burden of disease and is responsible for the deaths of 1.8
million people every year," according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
"It was estimated that 88% of that burden is attributable to unsafe water supply, sanitation and hygiene and is mostly concentrated on children in developing countries."
Did you get that? From water-based diarrhea alone, 1.8 million people die each year.
That means that nearly 4 people have died from drinking bad water since you began reading this article.
But that doesn't include the dozens of other diseases that result from little access to clean water. The numbers jump to more than 5 million who die annually when you add them in.
That's so sad...but it's over there, right? It doesn't really affect me or you. And there's nothing you can really do anyway, right? You're just one person.
Luke Hutcherson is just one person too. But he's making a difference and you can help. Here's how:
Support him and his team in bringing low-cost water purifiers to the worst-hit areas such as Ghana in West Africa.
By the end of November, you can help him install these water purifiers and be confident that you've helped nearly 10,000 people have access to clean water who don't right now.
You can make a big - HUGE - difference in their lives...without leaving your house!
How's that for direct action?
On Nov. 5, Luke is leading a team of four people including a union pipefitter who has volunteered his time to Ghana. Paying their own expenses, they are armed with knowledge and portable McGuire Water Purifiers to villages where no clean water exists.
Now, you may ask, "Where's the money going?" I asked some really hard questions and Luke responded candidly. Here are his words:
"Part of the funds will be used to hire a vehicle and a driver for the ground transportation along with gas."
"All of the money beyond this will be spent on the necessary expenses for the batteries, chargers, pumps, pipes, holding tanks, etc. for installing the system under any conditions. All we will need is a source of water which can be filtered and purified using chlorine gas as shown on the web site."
"Three of us will be attending a workshop with New Life International, Edge Outreach and the inventor, Duvon McGuire on October 19 - 21. This is why the trip date is set for November. I have used water funds to pay for the pipe fitter to attend, but I have paid for myself and the third person to attend."
"I have an accountability board set up. All funds that I have any access to, including the paypal donations, have to go into the FBA, Brotherhood account. Any expenses I pay, must be invoiced and I have to have two signatures on each and every check. These measures are in place to assure anyone giving that the money is not going in my pocket. I can't get any of it without approval."
There's no monetary gain for Luke or his team. He's on a mission from God.
All he needs is our donation, large or small...it doesn't matter.
You can donate directly here at Luke's site called "Water for Ghana"...
Clean water in the third world solves many of the health issues. The McGuire Water Purifier is an amazing machine / process. Purifying 55 gallons of water a minute, enough for 10,000 people a day, the McGuire Water Purifier is an available and portable technology, relatively inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to use.
When I read Luke's website and the information about the McGuire Water Purifiers, I thought it was too good to be true. So, I dug in find out more. Immediately, I saw that the Rotary Club has partnered with New Life International (a Christian non-Profit organization) to implement these all over the world.
That's reputable enough for me.
I'm donating big to this effort
And you can too without taking the money out of your pocket. Here's how:
Luke's trip begins on Nov. 5. I currently have My 31-Day Birthday Celebration online between Oct. 12 and ending Nov. 7.
My wife and I will donate 25% of all of my personal sales from My Birthday Celebration - all 31 days of it - to this endeavor. And I will challenge every affiliate and joint venture partner to do the very same. Together, we can have a tremendous impact.
Go to the "How to Promote" page to see how you can promote the Birthday Celebration if you'd like to donate too. I challenge you to drive as much traffic to the sale as you can AND to donate as much as you can from the sale to Luke's project.
This is a great idea & great opportunity to donate to a cause where your money will actually go directly to help those suffering, not wasted on "administration" or advertising or other things.
It also seems a lot less expensive to clean the water than to deal with all the health problems caused from drinking dirty water.
Posted by: Chris Lockwood | October 18, 2007 at 08:33 AM